Our COVID19 Adaptive Program
Virtual Session
During these trying times, we have had to adapt to the new world that we find ourselves. We offer many options for clients that believe that they still need to isolate themselves - Virtual Sessions via Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype!
Don’t let this virus stop you from getting or staying in shape. We have a program that will fit in with your need for instruction while balancing the need to address COVID’s unique requirements.
In-house Safety Protocols
We encourage clients to have their own weights so we aren’t bringing anything into your home besides ourselves and our organizer/ day-timer. We will use copious quantities of hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes for equipment we bring, shoes as requested, etc. We will work out our protocol based on current sciences and your comfort level.
For those who are okay being inside with another non-family member, our trainer will stay 6 feet away from you and wear a mask if you request and when practical.